Why Choose Photography?
Photography is increasingly popular as a GCSE choice. It encourages the exploration of photography as an artistic medium. It combines well with more traditional subjects, providing an outlet for creativity. Photography can be a useful addition to a student’s portfolio of qualifications and can also help to secure admission to Art College or university.

lthough there is no formal requirement to have studied Photography before embarking on a GCSE course, it helps to have an interest in the subject. A 35 mm single lens camera is required, everything else is provided. Lessons take place in the purpose-built photography laboratory, which includes a fully-equipped darkroom. See below for recent photographs.
Students can select from a range of study areas within photography including portraiture, landscape or still life photography and documentary photography.
The Course
For GCSE the final unit is a controlled assignment, which must be done under exam conditions. Students must be prepared to work outside school hours and at weekends in the run-up to the exams. Visits to Photographic exhibitions, galleries and museums are arranged on a regular basis by Tutors for the benefit of students. Their experience of other people’s work allows students to explore the historical, social and technical aspects of photography, forming a basis for the work journals, which are an integral part of coursework.

As part of their course, students are expected to take photographs in a variety of settings, including open-air locations. They may be instructed to search out suitable settings/locations for photographs outside the College. The coursework is marked by the Tutors at the end of the Spring Term, before being submitted to the scrutiny of a Moderator nominated by the AQA.